Ammo part bags like quivers and bullets pockets can only keep rounds (arrows or bullets respectively). Of course, this is only useful to figures who use ammunition: predators,Diablo 3 Gold and with weaponry training, rogues and fighters.

Identical rounds stored in several slots in an bullets bag will be instantly re-equipped when a collection of bullets runs out. Ammo that is different in any way is not instantly prepared. This can lead to confusion or delays, so many players only shop one kind of bullets in an bullets bag at once.Ammo part bags show the wide variety of images remaining on their activity bar icons, whenever the wide variety of images falls below 10000 (10 stacks).

Essentially, an bullets bag is a hunter item. While rogues and warrior can, with tool training, benefit from an bullets pocket, the fact is that they will probably choose to forgo carrying an bullets pocket. Hunters burn though quantities of rounds. Rogues and fighters shoot occasionally to get in touch with an opponent out of a group. Since bullets part bags are less versatile than conventional part bags, rogues and warrior will usually prefer to have common objective bag space holding a collection or two of bullets.