Beyond heightened AoE DPS, the Sequence Super cooldown change will also change single-target concern techniques, especially at decreased devices stages. Current simulation discovers that due to the greater platform harm and smaller cast time on Sequence Super, using a non-glyphed Sequence Super as a filler magic in position of Super Secure can be a DPS enhance.


The next big switch to look out for is the large nerf we’re getting in our two-piece Tier-12, which was fairly well known as the only purpose we were aggressive in Firelands. Gone are the times of a lasting Fire Elemental Totem. The new extra reduces the cooldown on your Fire Elemental totem by a whole 4 a few moments, and is only a 30% opportunity to proc off of Super Secure. As I’ve said in previous times, this nerf was needed to prevent us from using the two-piece until 5.0 hit. Since Fire Elemental scaled so well with the relax of our devices, the decreased ilevels of heroic level 12 would not have been enough to dissuade us from dressed in it through all of Monster Soul to be able to sustain our long lasting pet. Consequently, you can ditch your level 12 as soon as you start grabbing higher-ilevel Monster Soul items.


The Flametongue Weapon change volumes to a little harm nerf, but it is outweighed by the fan to magic coefficients through Shamanism, which outcomes in a net harm fan. The developers also described a minimal fan to FET’s harm, but that change has not actually sown up in the identify notes. That does not mean it is not implemented on the PTR, though.


As a whole, important is doing well in 4.3. While I disagree with the destruction we reduce from the nerf to our level devices, I do realize Blizzard took some activities to counter that loss in figures lovers. After all, a sweeping switch to Fire Elemental in the middle of an development is not the kind of change Blizzard implements in material patches. Our figures are looking excellent, with existing Simulationcraft parses putting us just below 50,000 DPS in Patchwerk-style activities in 4.3.

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