World of warcraft built-in screenshot operate can say is very convenient, provided that a key can will own wonderful time retained down.

However you are know this operate secretly for your screenshots to relax and encounter the challenging to find watermark, such as user ID, timestamp, and the present hosting server IP.

Recently have players discovered the key, provided that in the encounter to enter the command: / console SET screenshotQuality "9", will decrease the excellent of screenshots, then find out a position of their robes, screenshots, will be able to see the watermark. The key once exposure, has attracted a lot of players for their individual information concerns. After all these details is easy to be used by hackers.

There was speculation that blizzard is to join this operate is to facilitate the search private hosts, or find out out cheating players. According to the survey, the operate as beginning as in 2008 the anger of the lich master, it has been in in the growth. Currently blizzard is not for the behavior any comment on that. All players, do you think blizzard such behavior is legitimate?

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