May be I have caught your attention , but you need to make some investments before you start. Firstly, you should get the Mining and Jewlcrafting professions. Secondly ,to be a flying mount. May be both of these two profession can be a pain, but believe in me, they are very worthy. The thing that you should do is going to Sholazar Basin, use your flying mount to find Saronite Ore.

This will help you move faster and safter. And you should fly around, mining every Saronite ore nodes you find. In one hour you should have 6 full stacks providing you didn't slack off during that hour. You use your prospecting skills on those stacks and get 5-6 blue gems and a bunch of green gems. You sell those on the Auction House for some very nice money. Farming gold can be easy thing if you have the right tools.  Instead of these gems, you can find the ways from the nodes Titanium, too. Which is very rare and you can double your profits with that alone.

May be the gold making by these methods are not very meet your desire. These just can keep your financial status afloat. If you want to make more WOW Gold , you should get a professional guide them.

It might not be much but it can keep your financial status afloat. If you want to make more world of warcraft gold you should get a professional guide then.