Icehowl may be the third and final Northrend Beast. He can cause enormous amounts of physical harm and flings players around the room.

Frost Breath: Icehowl will turn to face a random player and breath his icy breath on them and anyone else in a small cone in that direction. The breath deals roughly 30,000 frost harm (15,000 in 10 player raids) to all players affected over five seconds. In addition, while affected by the breath players are made stationary and can not use most abilities.

Massive Leap: Icehowl will leap into the center of the space and bring about an AoE blast that hits everyone for roughly 10,000 harm and flings them to the outer wall.  Players will be stunned there for a few seconds before Icehowl does his next attack, Ferocious Charge.

Ferocious Charge: This attack occurs immediately following massive leap. Icehowl will select a random target and charge across the room at them. If he hits he will inflict around 75,000 physical harm and if they survive, stun the player for three seconds.

Whirl: This attack hits all players within 10 yards for about 10,000 damage and throws them back.

Icehowl is picked up and tanked by a single tank when he enters the space. He will occasionally stun the tank, and throw players away form him. When this happens, move back into position and continue the fight. Players do need to spread out around Icehowl however and not simply stack behind to that when uses his frost breath attack, it does not hit too many players.

When frost breath occurs, healers need to keep players alive until he stops casting it.  This can be done best with AoE or HOT heals. Also anyone hit by the attack should attempt to minimize incoming damage using abilities or to get out of it with abilities like Divine Shield or Blink.

The main part of this fight, however, is Icehowl’s charge attack. When players are flung to the wall they will be stunned for a second while he jumps to the center and targets someone. You will get a brief second to see the announcement of who he is targeting before he charges at that player. That player, and anyone else near them, must quickly move away to the side or be crushed against the wall and die.  If he does hit someone with this charge, he will enrage and bring about significantly more damage. If he does enrage, either a hunter or rogue can remove enrage through the use of Tranquilizing shot or Anethetic Poison.

If players successfully avoid the charge, he will be stunned against the wall and suffer additional damage for a short time. If this happens repeatedly, the fight becomes what feels like the simplest part of the Northrend Beasts encounter. You simply need to tank and DPS him while he is active, WOW Gold avoid the charge, rinse and repeat. The healers won’t think this phase is so, simply due to the large damage he can inflict on the tank and to players hit by his frost breath, but it shouldn’t be that bad with Ulduar geared players.