The game’s customization resources don’t quit at outfits and tattoos. The same rules for outfits can be applied to the game’s many purchasable cars. And what’s more is that the more musically inclined players can make quick little midi-files which players can have performed after they destroy someone in a battle. Yes yes, you can musically taunt your opponents in APB. The old times of “corpse-humping” are gone, for now you can deface your opponents with a section from any one of your favorite display tunes. All of this innovative stuff is managed in one of the game’s three areas. Two are specifically for the “action” and one is entirely for social purposes. No gunfights, just people milling about creating aspects and chatting. The “lore” describes it as a place where both criminals and enforcers put down their guns for a bit and relax. Hokey, but it serves its objective.

Realtime Planets really did come through with its assurance to have one of gaming’s most solid customization toolsets. There was a obvious issue where players could just keep their numbers idle at the customization screens to gain rankings and many cash, but that has since been patched. Now to make cash as a designer you will actually have to offer your designs in the game’s auction system. Unfortunately, I haven’t noticed many people actually using this, and I’m not sure there really is any economic system in APB which is disappointing considering the resources available for one to happen. Perhaps after all the completely free cash earned from this beginning “glitch” has been invested players will actually make use of the industry. It’s delay and see there.WOW Gold waiting for you in!

One more awesome customization detail: you can import all of your own music into the experience as you drive about in your car, and if other players have the same music they are going to be able to hear it. There’s little chance you will ever run into your lookalike in San Paro, and it’s entirely possible that you will see more than your fair proportion of thematically clothed gangs running around and creating havoc. But how does the experience actually play? Well, this is where aspects go a little awry.