One of my favorite parts about Cataclysm -- and it was definitely on my 2010 wish record for the development -- was the increased prevalence of our Shadowfiend. One element of this is the Sin and Punishment abilities, which slashes 5 a few moments off the Shadowfiend clock for each WOW Gold Mind Flay crit. Veiled Dark areas reduces the clock by 60 a few moments at rank 2. And while we were lucky to have it, the level 12 darkness compensate took yet another 75 a few moments off our Shadowfiend clock, down to a spectacularly frequent 2 moments and 45 a few moments.

Unfortunately, though, that's all going away with Mists of Pandaria. No more Sin and Punishment. No more Veiled Dark areas. And our level 12 compensate -- lengthy gone. We're returning up to a 5-minute conventional WoW Gold clock, and that creates me really sad.

Shadow priesting is more fun when you're doing it with a buddy. And while I really like the point that Blizzard is providing us a new buddy in the Psyfiend, I'm going to miss seeing my WoW Gold Shadowfiend as often as I do now. Perhaps it's a opportunity to start up the Save our Shadowfiend Foundation?