The outcomes showed that in the WOW, 1% of the players have activity 24.25% gold, informal players are still owned by the proportion of the prosperity decrease.Don't hesitate to find Cheap WOW Gold!

The study indicated that: the research began in Oct 29, Nov 5 end; testing of players in there 2531; released study covers the U.S. and Western clothing clothing WOW formal boards, the significant Western and American WOW players forum and a wide variety of well-known high-blog, so I think the ultimate information, although not absolutely precise, but at least have some referrals value.

Respondents will be asked four primary aspects, namely: 1, whether to be a part of in group actions, a copy; 2, whether to be a part of in PVP activities; 3, is often used to make gold coins auction; 4, 's challenging just like the "play money" to generate income like actions. Although the study will ask the performer's current prosperity (gold), but some of the stock of components will not be turned into gold by adding research.