One belonging in the direction of most significant problems Blizzard faces as Warcraft remains to expand in scope is providing avid gamers choices, but sustaining equilibrium amid those people choices. every expansion gives alter in the direction of planet of Warcraft. By looking at those people changes, we are able to see wow gold trends that point to additional advancement in to the future. Some belonging in the direction of important trends we've observed so far:

Deep But Simple
Talents have undergone modifications with every expansion. What skills do, how difficult they hit, how different you receive for "free" for picking a spec, how you modify them have all been overhauled. The purpose was to create talents much less difficult to know while bringing much more depth in the direction of game.
Classic WoW was noted for it's grind-y nature. You experienced to suit in several hours and several hours of your time to acquire anyplace and progress your character. New raids ordinarily essential completing more mature kinds to turn into in a placement to entry them. But much more than time, components like worth reductions (mounts, instruction of skills), alternate progression (badges, much more crafted gear) and new/changed features (Dungeon/Raid Finder, weekly valor caps, day-to-day quest hubs, decreased XP for more mature content) all purpose to cut back the barrier of entry for people nowadays new in the direction of game. Increasingly, it's much less difficult for new avid gamers to catch as a great offer as long-time players.
Balance and "Fairness"
While Blizzard can by no implies make all components equal, they strive as a great offer as feasible to make an make an effort to do so. DPS numbers, school cooldowns, mobility and electricity all need to turn into balanced. It's the goal Druids lost their placement since the lone battle res, why tank skills experienced been brought into collection to provide comparable tools, harm lowering cooldowns and raid survivability. occupation bonuses are designed to be about identical so people nowadays don't really feel they need to hold a specific combo to maximize their usefulness in game.
These are just different broad trends, but they have informed (and will hold on to inform) the advancement of the fit we adore to play. What are their implications for gold-making in Mists of Pandaria? Some predictions for you:

Glyphs are not achieved getting overhauled.
Cataclysm transformed glyphs from commodities to "skills" you learn. No lengthier do people nowadays need various copies of the glyph if they preferred to change out glyphs. Instead, find out it when and alter them whenever you need using the lost worth of about 9g by buying a reagent within your glyph vendors. Most classes, however, don't possess a great offer option within their glyphs. There are particular well-liked (read: mandatory) glyphs, so while there is definitely an illusion of choice, in reality there isn't much.