CCP Warlock started his weblog access by explaining his PhD perform in getting robots to work on a task without centralised management. He similar this to huge navy battles, in which players connect and make an attempt to organize their activities to fulfill a frequent objective. As the wide range of individuals involved improves, the connection between their organisational structure and the quantity of complete details they can connect doesn't range linearly.

The same scalability issue exists in EVE's back-end server techniques, and it may be a big aspect in navy fight lag. CCP Warlock considers that some EVE's existing techniques have been designed as easy ordered techniques for convenience of preliminary execution, WOW Gold but that techniques designed in this way don't usually range well beyond a certain aspect.

The majority of the devblog concentrates on the naturally complex issues of scaling techniques on a allocated network like EVE's server groups. If it shows anything, it's that tracking down the main cause of lag in EVE is a lot more complex than many players believe. CCP clearly has some intelligent individuals operating on the situation, but The War On Lag definitely looks set to be a long one.