You can acquire the first element of patch 3.2 on US hosting server now. With the help of the patch, you may prevent some accidents which are due to the program itself, and they will make skip the WOW Gold you desire. Now, let's take a look at the bug fixes of Death Soldier, Druid and Seeker in patch 3.2, and you can get ready your new strategy to get World of warcraft Gold.
Death Knight

Anti-Magic Shell: The tooltip for this capability will now reflect variations from the Magic Withdrawal abilities.
Blood-Caked Blade: The harm from this abilities is no more stabilized to device rate.
Chilblains: Icy Clutch system can no more skip when Frost High temperature strikes, however, when Frost High temperature is eliminated Icy Clutch system will also be eliminated.
Dancing Rune Weapon: The rune device will no more throw Corpse Explosion.
Desecration: No more time causes unnecessary fight logging.
Horn of Winter: Learning rank 2 of this capability triggered gamers to unlearn rank 1, such that it no more seems to be in their spellbook. It is now possible to relearn that rank, and loss of lifestyle knights in battle in combat will no more "forget" rank 1 when they understand rank 2.
Lichborne: The fan from this capability can now be terminated.
Raise Ally: Using the Gnaw capability while under the consequences of this miracle will now initiate auto-attack. Moreover, the destruction done has been modified from a flat value to a amount of device harm.
Raise Dead: This miracle will no more give two errors when the launching player lacks the reagent to throw it.