With GU 50, we'll see The Darkness Journey go remain. But that isn't all there will be on Nov Eighteenth. One of the new functions that everyone will get is the new map system!

The map system has been absolutely modified WOW Gold and there's a new main show with a clean new look. All of the overland maps have been replaced as well! The various city moments are more specific than ever before.
There's also a new POI (point of interest) listing. It performs with outside POI's as well, and this will be valuable to people who use add on's such as EQ2Maps. You'll be able to fall customized POI's into your map listing and have them appear. Your POI will also flash on the primary map, and set a waypoint while in the same place.
To enhance the new performance, you can also look for the map. There's a wildcard function as well so you can either examine particularly for a vendor or just look for for shops in typical and have them appear before you.

One of the factors that was always restricting in past periods was the deficiency of ability to get around maps outside the place in which you were. That is no more!
Now you can go to the primary map and look for throughout Norrath. You can use the fall down selection at the top, or you can generally select the name of the region you wish to discover.

The main map show is also significant so you can make it as big or little as you like and even run through game with it always on your show.
There's also a minimap now! It can also be sized as well as modified like all your other UI windows to be as solid or clear as you like. It will explain to you the place you're currently in, and will even provide you with an pointer directing to your destination if it's off the screen! Another function of the minimap is the capability to search in and out by using the computer mouse wheel of RS Gold. You can also switch it to different locations on your show by having down the switch key and pulling to your community of option.