Then you still have those non-roleplayers roaming around the RP web servers to cope with, don't you? Here's the aspect -- almost all those non-roleplayers are pretty safe. Some of them may even look for the idea of RP interesting; they usually don't really wish to join in it. These gamers don't need to be pressured off the server WOW Gold; if nothing else, they provide to increase the gamer inhabitants and keep the ah prices at a affordable level.

If, however, you run into griefing, there is only one remedy that will work: Review it. Roleplay web servers are self-policing by characteristics. There are no Blizzard associates patrolling the web servers looking for rule of execute offenses. As with every other violation in the experience, Blizzard performs reactively, not proactively, so it's up to the gamer inhabitants to cops other performer's actions. If Blizzard does not get a study for undesirable actions, nothing will be done and that actions will proceed.

So do you see a name that isn't an RP name, like Holycow or Worgenfreeman? Review it. Are you being griefed for freely RPing on an RP server? Review the griefer. Blizzard cannot tell you the actions it's taken -- that's between the organization and the individual being exposed -- but you have to recognize this is the only way they will know that someone has done something incorrect. Keep your reviews brief, courteous, and be sure to carry up the name of the perpetrator, and enough length of day when the violation happened, if appropriate. This will help the GMs track down what happened, so they can react properly.